The Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator

The Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator is a unique system, based in science that optimizes your perimenopausal or menopausal hormones and aligns your mind, movement, and menu. It is the culmination of my years of experience coaching hundreds of women like you along with my research and education in the science and psychology of weight loss for women 40+.

The Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator is different from everything else you have tried because it is customized for your changing hormones, your body, your stage in life, the equipment you have, and your goals. Most plans are built for the masses. This one is built for women like you and is tailored to your individual needs. We explore why you are stuck and how we can help you achieve the best version of yourself by optimizing your hormones and aligning your mind, movement, and menu!

Our Services

Whether you have 10 lbs or 100 lbs to lose, the Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator is your custom online weight-loss solution. We have a 3 phase sequential system where each phase builds on the previous phase so that once you achieve phase 3, you have achieved your transformation and can be supported in your maintenance phase. Below are the programs that have changed women’s lives across the world:

Phase 1:
Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator

In 12 weeks, I help women 40+, lose up to 15lbs+, address the underlying root cause of your weight loss issues, and supercharge your energy to build the sexiest most confident version of you…even if you have time constraints, are entering menopause or have never been able to lose weight and keep it off!!

Phase 2:
Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator Elevated

Now that you have gained some momentum, you are ready to move to the next level in your weight-loss journey. In the next 12 weeks, we will elevate your weight-loss momentum by incinerating fat, igniting your metabolism, and building on the new habits you have developed so you never have to diet again.

Phase 3:
MMA Membership

MMA Membership is a 6-month program that helps you transition from weight loss to maintenance seamlessly, without the fear of gaining your weight back.

The Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator Process

Our 12-week programs were developed to help busy women 40+, like you, get off the diet roller coaster and finally achieve the sustainable transformation you deserve. Our 3 pillars set your foundation of success as follows:

The MMA Mindset

It is time to stop battling your body. Once you start utilizing our MMA Mindset strategies you will finally put an end to your self-sabotage, emotional eating, and lack of motivation. You will begin to recognize triggers and implement strategies that will help you take control of your thoughts so you can achieve and maintain the weight loss you have been dreaming of.

Custom Movement Plan

Most plans have been created for the masses. You have failed to maintain your weight loss and exercise routine because the weight loss industry has failed you. When programs are made for the masses, they do not take into account, women who are 40+ and their hormonal changes or the slight tweaks that may be needed to help a high performing individual like yourself, thrive. The MMA Method is based in science and customized to you, your body, and your goals. We take into consideration your lifestyle, past injuries, and level of previous activity so you have the perfect plan built just for you.

MMA Menu Coaching

The third item you need is a simple strategy to eat foods you love, that will help you optimize your hormones while you lose weight. As women 40+, we know you do not have a lot of time to put into preparing your meals. Our Menopausal Metabolism Accelerator Menu makes food prepping simple and delicious and teaches you the strategies we use so you can create delicious menus with foods you and your family will love while you sculpt the body of your dreams.


Phase 1: Building Your Weight Loss Momentum

Pay in Full: $1299 ($198 savings)


  • 6 One on One coaching Calls (two per month)
  • Custom roadmap where we identify your specific goals and tailor your program to those goals
  • Custom menu coaching: taking the science and fitting it to your lifestyle and goals
  • Custom science-based workouts tailored to your goals, delivered through our Fitness App with video demonstration
  • Custom modifications to ensure you are maximizing your momentum
  • In-app text communication with Coach as needed
  • PLUS: Open Office Hours Weekly on Zoom to ask Julie anything!


  • Weekly Instructional Videos from Coach accessed in your portal along with workbook pages


  • Fitness app where you and coach review your weekly progress
  • Nutrition app that syncs to fitness app to plan your nutrition
  • Weekly app check-ins with Coach
  • Weekly feedback from Coach


  • 5 Ingredient Recipe Pack for busy professionals
  • Vegan Recipe pack
  • High protein recipe pack
  • Low Carb Recipe pack
  • Bonus Fat-burning killer core workout

Phase 2: Elevating Your Weight Loss Momentum

Pay in Full: $1299 ($151 savings)


  • 6 One on One coaching Calls (two per month)
  • Custom roadmap where we identify your specific goals and tailor your program to those goals
  • Custom menu coaching: taking the science and fitting it to your lifestyle and goals
  • Custom science-based workouts tailored to your goals, delivered through our Fitness App with video demonstration
  • Custom modifications to ensure you are maximizing your momentum
  • In-app text communication with Coach as needed
  • PLUS: Open Office Hours Weekly on Zoom to ask Julie anything!


  • Weekly Instructional Videos from Coach accessed in your portal along with workbook pages


  • Fitness app where you and coach review your weekly progress
  • Nutrition app that syncs to fitness app to plan your nutrition
  • Weekly app check-ins with Coach
  • Weekly feedback from Coach


  • Custom breathwork program to help regulate your nervous system and elevate your fat loss experience
  • Low Carb Recipe pack

Phase 3: Momentum Membership


  • 1 One on One call per month
  • Messaging/texting with Coach as needed
  • Custom workouts based on your goals and equipment
  • Weekly app check-ins with Coach
  • Weekly office hours on zoom

Frequently Asked Questions

If you don’t see an answer to your question here, please feel free to set up a call so we can answer any additional questions you may have.

Client Testimonials

OH MY GOSH!!!!! I woke up early today. I’ll admit I’ve been a little anxious to get on the scale…I feel like I’ve made a lot of progress this week and I didn’t want a higher number than I was hoping for to ruin my mood, motivation, and confidence! After taking a few moments to really think through all the possible outcomes and prepare my “nice girl” brain to be ready on the defense, I got on the scale…

I’M DOWN TO 148.8!!!!!!!😲🥳😆🙌🎉💪🏼 with body fat of 27.8!!!!😬😬😬🎉🎉🎉💪🏼💪🏼💪🏼

I am so excited to have everything lined up the way it did…the feeling, the way my clothes are fitting, and the number on the scale! Super pumped for this next week!!!

May need to do a few adjustments, though, to help with the lethargy. My steak salad last night was SO DELICIOUS!!! Definitely think I need to add some red meat in at least once.

Thank you for giving me the plan and helping me to feel more in control!! Loving this moment!!🙌👍😬❤️



Things are great! I’m loving the program and going back to the basics with the small goals are really helping my mindset. I was really shocked at what I can do. Thank you for this!


I’m starting to feel truly confident in my body and how I look and thats something I’ve yearned for for probably 20 years!


I have been so grateful to notice how getting in my workouts and eating clean has helped me manage my mood and tolerance of the chaos


At 27lbs lost, I feel only hope and gratitude that behavior changes I have made are important to me and here to stay no matter what…THANK YOU, Julie!


I am sooo grateful for all you have taught me i~ I’m going to be able to do this because I have the knowledge & skills you taught me & I have the desire to do better and be better. I am putting it into action. For a long time I kept saying I just need to put it in action or I will put it in action. But this past week I did it – I lived it. And I’m better because of it. Because of you – thank u my friend 🥰


I’m feeling so good. Never thought I would be able to run again! So grateful to have this program.


Before the 12 week program I felt unmotivated, and was not eating the right foods to keep me energized. She dissected my fears and turned them into small achievable goals. My results were great! I”m stronger and have more muscle tone and feel positive about myself and my health.


I am in a groove. Everything is great:) Food, exercise, cross-training. Thanks for helping me get there!


This program changed my life!

It’s time to take a chance on you!

Today is the first day of your transformation. Click below and set up a call to build your weight loss roadmap!

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